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AGTEK Training

Web Training Classes

Web training classes offer live, personalized, hands-on training, one-on-one with an AGTEK expert, over the Internet, in your own office.

Learn more about the classes offered and sign up here.


2023 Hands-On Training Classes

Hands-on takeoff, modeling, drones and production tracking training at our offices in Livermore, California and Atlanta, Georgia

Learn more about the content of the hands-on training classes offered and sign up here.

AGTEK Training Class Picture

Introductory AGTEK Training

Use these quick video lessons to learn how to do a basic takeoff in AGTEK.

Course 1 walks you through a PDF takeoff and Course 2 explains how to start from a CAD file. The files are provided for each course so you can work alongside each training video.

Sign in with your key credentials or technical support login and access the training courses here.

AGTEK Basic Training Courses Screencapture

2023 Seminar Classes

Classroom seminar training covering takeoff of earthwork, paving and pipe, GPS modeling, drones and production tracking training at our offices in Livermore, California and Atlanta, Georgia

Day 1 covers preconstruction PDF takeoff of earthwork, materials and utilities. Day 2 covers operations and modeling from CAD files and advanced tools and procedures. Day 3 covers materials, underground, drones and highway.

Learn more about the content of the seminar training classes offered and sign up here.

AGTEK Seminar Class Picture