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RTK on your Android Smartphone or Tablet

Pair the computer in your pocket with RTK GPS for simple, fast, graphical positioning

Check Topos, Check Grade, Quantify Production

Check grade over your plansheets, cut/fill map or 3D model. Grade stake, create topos and document job progress. All with simple, easy to use visual feedback

Locate Points, Offsets

Pick and find points, stake offsets with ease, slope stake quickly and accurately

Measure and Document Stockpiles

Easily quantify stockpiles and send the visual Google Earth report back to the office in seconds

On the ground, on machines, in your truck

Flexibility and power with quick-mounting hardware with simple yet powerful mobile software


AGTEK's all-purpose mobile app for precise positioning, SmartGrade leverages 4D data with the connectivity and computing power of your Android smartphone or tablet--in combination with high-precision GPS—to provide quick, easy access to the accurate on-site measurements you need to manage your work. SmartGrade's unmatched graphical interface simplifies recording topos, setting grade, laying out points, guiding machines and documenting as-builts.

SmartGrade transfers data through the Cloud to make office files available on site, and on-site measurements immediately available in the office.

Master SmartGrade in hours with expert, personal, on-your-job instruction from AGTEK.