<% If Request.cookies("access") <> "true" Then Response.Redirect "login.html?Link=smartgrade_release_notes.html" Else End If%>

SmartGrade 1.6 Version Notes

  1. Fixed file reading problem where only a single surface exists
  2. Improved deferred file uploader
  3. Improved suppression of duplicate point picking
  4. Added support to Stakelist point angles. Stakelist points created in later versions of Sitework 4D assign an angle to the stakelist point creates so picking that point in Smartgrade displays the staking guide at that angle.
  5. Added Import recovery and Create benchmarks to the actionbar for alignment choices. They were previously just on the menu.
  6. Support exporting alignment (localization) files for Leica, Topcon, and Trimble GPS software. After successful alignment in SmartGrade these options are available under Menu-Settings-GPS. Press the Localization button to export your choice of files.
  7. Optimized the Point/Line labeling display in situations where there are long labels
  8. Subgrade and Stripping lines will now never show but the software will compare against those surfaces when selected
  9. When staking, the autozoom now does not start until the user moves a foot.
  10. Change slope display in staking to have 10th's if it is a ratio.
  11. Changed the save option to include an unchecked AGT option
  12. Added support for loading and viewing of user defined Earthwork 4D layers
  13. Added visibility control to survey data
  14. Sorting of the file display. The menu in the file display now allows sorting by name, date, or project.
  15. Defaulted panning to be available (GPS icon off) during picking to create a benchmark

Version 1.5.2

Note: The recovery/alignment data has changed from the 1.4 versions and is not backward compatible. Updating to 1.5 versions requires that previously aligned files be realigned for future use.
  1. Changes to support 64bit phones (Samsung Galaxy 6)
  2. Prevent user from selecting "Done" when there is no survey data
  3. The Stakelist point staking guide now remembers the rotation on creation from Sitework 4D (1.17). Changed Staking guide to support corner points and line extension
  4. Make sure the access tab comes up when no local files are present.
  5. Fixed deferred uploader when connectivity was unavailable for more than 24 hours
  6. Changed to a new View menu layout similiar to the SmartPlan layer control that allows the user to see view changes made immediately.
  7. Added the ability to not calculate cut/fill color thereby saving calculation time on larger jobs. Select Menu-View-Other-Skip Cut/Fill model to control. When checked surfaces display in all yellow but all survey functions except measure may be used.
  8. Changed recovery/alignment to allow Sitework 4D to read recover data from SmartGrade alignments and export them for Leica/Topcon/Trimble machine control systems.
  9. Change Surface selection naming to Reference/Difference from View/Compare.
  10. Fixed deferred uploader when connectivity was unavailable for more than 24 hours

Version 1.4.2

  1. Deferred uploader fixes
  2. Fixed wrapping of long Northing/Easting coordinates.

Version 1.4

  1. Added Section offset feature to the menu in Grade mode. This feature adds or subtracts the specified value from the model surface. Usage and the effect on cut/fill displays as a + or - next to the surface elevation at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Added Show Plan Sheets option to the menu in Grade and Stake modes. This feature allows for quick toggling between showing cut/fill color and showing any plansheets available.
  3. Added support for Sitework Stake List points and Adding points along a line. When a stakelist is detected in a file within Stake mode, the program asks if picking of StakeList points should be turned on. This option is under the Menu-View-Other tab and turning it on allows only stake list points to be selected.
  4. Added Point deletion and Label editing of survey points to Grade mode. To delete a point, pick the point and then Menu-Remove
  5. Added Camera support. The saved GPS position of camera is derived from the RTK receiver
  6. Fixed occasional Topcon receiver Thrown points. Program now looks for unrealistic acceleration caused by a bad point from Topcon receivers and does not record it.
  7. Added Software Update notification. When an update is available, the program asks if you want to update. Selecting Yes downloads the new version and installs it. You will need to then restart the program. Selecting No closes the messsage and it will not prompt again for 24 hours.
  8. Improved format of Stockpile Google Earth report
  9. Simplified the Save/Upload screen, added deferred uploaded capability.

Version 1.3

  1. Added base/rover support for Trimble 780
  2. Changed interface to modern Android 4.0 "light" theme for easier viewing outdoors
  3. Improved handling of network connectivity
  4. Improved reliability of save-upload
  5. Improved handling of new survey data extents
  6. Add min zoom out to allow user to see outlying benchmarks
  7. Fixed defects

Version 1.1

  1. Added Cell and base/rover driver support for Leica GX-60 GPS
  2. Added Cell driver support for Topcon Hiper GR3/GR5
  3. Added Measure (Stockpile) mode
    • Select New Measure from File screen menu
    • Topo the base of the pile and press done
    • Topo the inside of the pile. At any time the 3D view and volumes are available
    • From the report screen, a 3D model can be exported to Google Earth
  4. Added Progress Topo mode for quantifying surveys
  5. Added option for onscreen Stream (Grade mode) and Record

Version 1.0

  1. First Release version